Sunday, November 23, 2008

Luke Leader Meeting Feedback

I shared my ideas (so far, they are only the trashcan v.1/v.2 and the paper beads) with the Luke Leaders (students who are invovled with various community service projects) at my school.

They said the tried to teach how to make paper envelopes without glue to others at our school's Sustainibility Fair during a previous year, but it was chaos and left a large mess. So they were against letting people make their own paper bead, since that will probably make an even larger mess (because it requires glue to make). However they thought having pre-made beads and stringing them on bracelets (or something) would be a great idea, so that's the current plan.

Even though it took about three hours to make a trashcan out of magazine pages, the Luke Leaders showed a great ineterest in them. Maybe I might have workshops on how to make those instead of the paper beads (especially since they made paper beads during a previous year, but I don't know which type of paper beads)--I'm not too sure.

However I do know that they are willing to spend time making these objects out of "trash." I know some of the Luke Leaders have made tedious works before and they sold out very quickly. I hope to get some positive feedback when workshops are open.

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